Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wednesday + Whatnot

I don't know if you blog, but for me it has been difficult to post about my personal life. Not because I have a lot of deep dark secrets, but because I keep thinking, "Who would actually want to read about it?" So I figured that the best way to start is by expressing it the best way I know how- photos. I will do my best to post my personal thoughts, photos, and whatnot every Wednesday (hence the name!). This first batch is a collection of some things I love and use almost every day.

1. Sweet Pumpkin Spice scented oil from Bath and Body Works- I LOVE the way this smells and makes my whole house feel like it is ready for Thanksgiving. It is sweet but not overwhelming. I love burning it right before people come over or Brian gets home.
2. Tote Bags- Most of the time I carry a tote instead of a purse, especially if I am running errands and have a million things to take with me. I have found my favorite ones at Gap.
3. My running shoes- Brian bought these Nikes for me for my birthday, and they are my favorite pair I have ever had. I hate buying new running shoes, and I was down to a pair that had so many holes that my pinky toe could fit through it. I had tried on a bunch and could not find "the ones". The hubs surprised me with these and the iPod sensor insert that can tell me how far I run. Is he good or what? ;-)
4. Brand spankin' new 7D (and my 50mm 1.4) - After renting this camera for a test drive, I knew I could never go back. The file quality is so much better, and when combined with my 1.4, it is MAGIC.
5. Versace Bright Crystal perfume- Sometimes I will use a little spritz in the morning, even if I am not going to leave the house, just because it makes me feel pretty.
6. Our wedding photos- They still make me smile when I look at them. What an incredible day!
7. Big clocks- Don't know why, but I love big wall clocks and their ticking
8. Estee Lauder "Baby" lipstick- Not crazy about the name, since it conjures up images of infant hookers in my head (crazy people- babies don't wear lipstick!), but I love this color nonetheless. Obviously, since it is worn down to almost nothing.
9. Bird tray from Ikea- What can I say, I love birds and I love trays. Enough said.
10. Half-hewn log bench- This bench was made by my grandfather, who is no longer with us. I love sitting here at the kitchen table in the morning to have my coffee.
11. Hello Somebody watch- I have gotten an amazing amount of people comment on this watch. My friend Rachel gave it to me after I complimented on just how awesome hers was. But the coolest thing about it is that by just buying the watch, you will feed a family in Guatemala for a month! Check out all their stuff at
12. Plain ol' yogurt- Almost every day I have yogurt with granola, blueberries, and wheat germ (sounds gross, but really yummy!), and it is such a delicious treat.
Well, I hope you haven't fallen asleep, and if you have, at least you know what to read before bed every Wednesday!

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